Tutorial: A very basic website - Create a stylesheet

Tutorial: A very basic website - Create a stylesheet

In this part you're going to create a basic stylesheet for the Basic demo design and link it in the page template.


Open Design Manager (LayoutDesign Manager). On the Stylesheets tab click the Create a new Stylesheet link.

In the Name field type: Basic demo css.
Copy the code below into the Stylesheet field:

h1 {
color: red;

ul li a {
color : green;

On the Designs tab select the Basic demo design.
Submit the stylesheet.

Open Design Manager (LayoutDesign Manager). On the Templates tab click the Basic demo - 1 template.

Replace the code in the Template Content field:

<!doctype html>
  <title>{sitename} :: {title}</title>
  <meta name="description" content="{description}">
  {content_image block='image1'}
  {content block='content2' label='Second content block'}

Submit the template.

Refresh the webpage (front end) and notice that the basic menu links now are green and the heading with page title is red.


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