Settings - News module

The News module is used to add, edit, and manage news articles. The following settings should be checked and adjusted if needed.

This page is divided into numerous tabs that reasonably separate the options into various logical sections. These tabs are:

  • Categories

    This tab lets you add and delete News categories.

  • Field Definitions

    This tab allows for the creation of Field Definitions for the News mdoule.

  • Options

    This tab contains settings for submitting and viewing News articles.


Add Category

Click to add a News category. The "General" category is created by default.

   Field Definitions

Add Field Definition

Click to add a Field Definiton. For more information, view the News module help.


Default Category

This option allows specifying the default category for new news articles.

Allow only files with these extensions to be uploaded

For custom fields of type "file" This setting indicates a comma separated list of file extensions that are valid for the article editor to upload.

Hide the summary field when adding or editing articles

This option allows disabling the summary field when adding and/or editing a news article (including with the fesubmit action)

Allow using a WYSIWYG editor on the summary field

This field indicates whether a WYSIWYG editor should be enabled for the summary field when editing an article. In many circumstances the summary field is a simple text field, however this is optional.

This setting is ignored if the summary field is disabled completely (see above)

The number of days (by default) before an article expires (if expiry is selected)

Set the default number of days (minimum 1) That articles will expire in when article expiry is enabled. The expiry date can be adjusted when adding or editing a news article

Allow news articles to be submitted by the frontend

This option controls whether the fesubmit action will be allowed to function at all for this site. Use caution when enabling this.

The status of news articles submitted via the frontend

Choose whether articles submitted via the frontend will default to Draft or Published status.

PageID or alias to redirect to after a news article has been submitted via the fesubmit action

Page ID or alias to redirect to after a succuessful frontend submission

Email address to receive notification of news submission

You may optionally send an email to a single email address when a new article is submitted via the fesubmit action.

The Subject of the outgoing email

Edit as required.

The format of the email message

Smarty template allowing for the customization of the optional outgoing notification email.

Default page to use for detail views

This preference is used to determine a page (and therefore a template) to use to view detail pages. Custom news Detail URLS will not work if this parameter is not set to a valid page. Additionally, if this preference is set, and no detailpage parameter is provided on the news tag, then this value will be used for detail links

Expired articles can appear in search results

If enabled, expired articles may continue to be indexed by the search module, and appear in search results

Expired articles can be viewed in the detail view

If enabled, expired articles can be viewed in detail mode (this is reproducing older functionality). the showall parameter can be used on the URL (when not using pretty urls) to also indicate that expired articles can be viewed