page_attr tag
This tag can be used to return the value of the attributes of a certain page.
How to use?
Insert the tag into your template/page like:
<p>The content of the Extra 1 field is: {page_attr key='extra1'}</p>
Available parameters
- (optional) page (int|string) - An optional page id or alias to fetch the content from. If not specified, the current page is assumed.
- key (required) - The key to return the attribute of. Available are:
- content_en
- title
- disable_wysiwyg
- extra1
- extra2
- extra3
- image
- pagedata
- searchable
- target
- thumbnail
- (name of included custom content block)
- assign - Assign the results to the named smarty variable.
Syntax examples
{page_attr key='extra1'}
{page_attr key='content_en' page='contact' assign='foo'}
{page_attr key='content_en' page='contact' assign='foo'}