Tutorial: A very basic website - Add an image content block

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Tutorial: A very basic website - Add an image content block

Do your web pages need an image? Do you want your editors to be able to select a different image for each page? Then you probably need an image content block.


Open Design Manager (LayoutDesign Manager). On the Templates tab click the Basic demo - 1 template.

Replace the code in the Template Content field:

<!doctype html>
    <title>Basic demo</title>
    {content_image block='image1'}
    {content block='content2' label='Second content block'}

Submit the template

Open Content Manager (ContentContent Manager). Edit the content page Page 1. Note that a new file select field is added, named image1
Click the Choose button. In the popup window click the images folder and select the logo1.gif.

Submit the content page and refresh the home page (front end). You should now see that the selected image is displayed between the text of the upper and lower content blocks.


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