We need your assistance to make the documentation accurate, user friendly and understandable. Therefore we welcome any tips or suggestions regarding documentation. Thank you in advance for your contribution.
However, we will not respond to technical support questions submitted using this form. If you are having difficulty with CMSMS and cannot find the solution on this website, please submit your question appropriately on our support forum at: http://forum.cmsmadesimple.org. Please remember to follow the forum rules when posting.
CMS Made Simple™ Partner
Quick Installation Options
When looking for CMS Made Simple Hosting, choose the host who makes things simple for you. That's A2 Hosting! A2 Hosting makes things even simpler for you because you get the additional option to have CMS Made Simple pre-installed on your account. There's no need to worry about install files, and you have peace of mind knowing the server configuration is optimized to CMS Made Simple requirements, verified by the CMSMS Dev Team.
See A2 Hosting's CMS Made Simple hosting options.
In addition to saving time, you're also helping to support CMS Made Simple. By using the above link, A2 Hosting contributes toward the development and maintenance costs of CMSMS. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Many modern hosting companies offer Softaculous, which enables 1-click installation of CMS Made Simple. Just log into your hosts's control panel, click the Softaculous icon and install CMS Made Simple. It doesn't get much more simple than that!
Installation Assistant
With the release of version 2.0, we have created an all-new, easy to use Installation Assistant. Just a single file to upload to your host, and it takes care of the rest. To use, first check that you meet the Requirements, then Upload files and start the Installation Assistant. That's it!
Hire a Dev
Need help setting up, or don't have time to do it yourself? Our Hire a Dev team is standing by ready to install, upgrade, or assist with your project. Drop us a line with your requirements and we'll reply within a business day with an estimate or further questions.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of CMS Made Simple, then follow the instructions under Upgrading. If you are moving or copying your installation to a new server see the page about Copying To a New Server. And lastly, if you have problems during installation, please read Troubleshooting to see if your question may be answered there.